Laurie Cole – Author, Speaker, Teacher

As the Founder and President of Priority Ministries, Laurie Cole is dedicated to encouraging women to give God glory and priority. In 1985, Laurie enrolled in an in-depth (Precept) Bible study that changed her life and ignited a passion for God and His Word. Encouraged by the older women who led the study, Laurie received training and began teaching a group, and the Lord has been opening doors for her to teach ever since.
For over 25 years, Laurie has been a speaker at women’s events and conferences throughout the country and is the author of four Bible studies that have been used by churches and groups in all fifty states and abroad. Although she is a Southern Baptist, Laurie speaks in all evangelical, Bible-believing settings, and her studies have been widely used by various denominations, churches, and groups. Laurie and her husband Bill have been married for 35 years, and they have three sons and three grandchildren.
Priority Ministries
Long before Priority Ministries ever began, Laurie Cole taught women’s Bible studies and spoke at retreats and women’s events. But in 2003, Laurie was invited to write and teach a Bible study for the women in her home church (Sagemont Church, Houston, TX). Soon, word about that study (There is a Season) spread, and other churches began requesting to use it. Sensing God’s leadership, and in response to what God was doing, Laurie founded Priority Ministries in December 2003.
Over the past few years, Laurie has written several other Bible studies for women and Priority Ministries has grown. Churches and groups in all 50 states, several Canadian provinces, and other countries have used Priority Bible Studies, and the Lord has opened doors for Laurie to travel and teach His Word to women all across the country.
Today, we watch in amazement as God continues to chart new pathways and provide fresh, new ways for Priority to fulfill the mission He has given us: to encourage and equip women to give Him priority.
The primary purpose and mission of Priority Ministries is to encourage and equip women to give God priority. We do this, by His grace and goodness, in two primary ways:
- By producing and providing practical, biblical, female-friendly Bible Studies. Over 40,000 women have participated in a Priority Bible study, and many women who participate in one study end up coming back for more.
- By teaching and proclaiming God’s Word at women’s events, conferences, on our blog, and on our YouTube Channel.
Jesus best described the heart of Priority’s mission in Matthew 6:33 and 22:37-38:
“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 NASB
“And [Jesus] said to him,
This is the great and foremost commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38 NASB
Statement of Faith
The Bible
We believe the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, is God’s Word and is inspired and inerrant in its original writings. We believe the teaching of the Bible is the supreme and final authority for faith and life.
The Godhead
We believe the Godhead eternally exists in three divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are One in deity, unity and essence, yet distinct in Their work and activity.
Jesus Christ
We believe Jesus Christ is the perfect, sinless, virgin-born Son of God. He is both fully God and fully man. Through His shed blood and death on the cross, He made possible the atonement for our sins. We believe He was literally and bodily raised from the dead and ascended into heaven where He is now seated at the right-hand of God, interceding for us. We believe He will one day visibly and personally return to earth in power, judgment and great glory.
The Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is the divine Third Person in the Godhead. He convicts men of sin, converts, baptizes, indwells, guides and empowers believers to walk in obedience to God. We believe the Holy Spirit also is the divine illuminator and teacher of God’s Word.
We believe man was created by God innocent and without sin. However, as a result of Adam’s sin, sin entered the world and corrupted all men. Man’s only hope for forgiveness and redemption of sin is through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. All men are sinners. Thus, all men need redemption.
We believe salvation is the gracious, free gift of God. Salvation cannot be attained by our works but is received by repenting of our sin and placing our faith in Jesus Christ. At salvation we are regenerated and sealed by the Holy Spirit, we become the children of God, and we are promised eternal life with Christ.